美国史密斯检测Smiths Detection
Smiths Group成立于1851年,总部设在英国,是一家在伦敦证券交易所上市的100家最大公司之一。在安全检测、医疗和特殊工程领域,Smiths Group均是一个全球领导者。 Smiths Detection隶属于Smiths Group为全球最大安检集团公司。在2008年,Smiths Detection的销售额达到9亿美元,所提供的安检产品和服务的范围超过其他任何厂家,是X-射线检测系统、痕量检测、生化学检测技术的全球领导者。 Smiths Detection于1999年在北京成立代表处
Smiths Detection is a global leader in the provision of threat detection and screening technologies for Military, Transportation, Homeland Security and Resilience applications.
We apply multiple technologies to achieve fast results and to identify a range of threats:
Biological Agents - Chemical Agents & TICs - Explosives - Narcotics - Weapons and illegal items.
Our technologies are also applied for special applications such as contraband detection, forensic work, meteorological measuring and video network monitoring.
And we provide fully integrated systems including bio detection and identification, protective shelters, meteorological measurement, mobile security checkpoints and for chem/bio applications.
Smiths Detection takes science out of the laboratory and puts it in the hands of security professionals. Our products and systems are designed for the real world and are based on a deep understanding of the real operational environment faced by military and security professionals. We are increasingly taking individual products and integrating them to form complete security solutions customised to individual requirements.
Our customer communities include the military, first responders, transportation authorities, customs officials and those responsible for protecting our critical national infrastructure. The company is truly global with Research and Development in six countries and systems deployed from Alaska to New Zealand.
We work closely with national governments, academia and leading institutions to respond to changing security threats, together developing innovative threat detection and security solutions and accelerating the development of technology to anticipate future needs.
Protecting people
A leader in Transportation Security, Smiths Detection provides advanced, high throughput screening systems for people, baggage and freight. We help to maintain public confidence in the security of air travel. Safeguarding a nation’s critical infrastructure is a priority and Smiths Detection supports this vital effort with customised solutions to protect government and commercial buildings, public utilities and sports events. Smiths Detection makes a significant contribution to the safe functioning of a nation’s government and the welfare of its citizens.
Protecting and equipping the Military and Emergency Responders
Smiths Detection is at the forefront of providing technology solutions to detect and identify the threat from chemical and biological weapons and toxic industrial chemicals. Capability extends from a simple to use wearable detector to fully integrated CBRN vehicles for the military and temporary incident command systems for responders.
Protecting our borders
Smiths Detection supports the different priorities of customs officers and security professionals monitoring cross-border movements of people and freight. Our high-energy screening systems both help to reduce international shipments of contraband and identify explosives, arms, dirty bombs and weapons of mass destruction
Smiths in the U.S.
Many of the businesses of Smiths Group are rooted in the United States. Overall the U.S. accounts for roughly half our people, half our capital and half our sales. For Smiths Detection, the U.S. is an important manufacturing base and an important market. Read more about the activities of Smiths Group in the United States, in this introductory booklet.