
热门词: 日本凯特HG-770快速水分测定仪日本凯特KH-50纸张水分测定仪德国普兰德塑料刻度移液管BR27614

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Nencki Nencki



Nencki Ltd. is a family owned Swiss company, competent in the manufacture of machinery and equipment mainly from steel including hydraulic systems and relevant controls for the following major business fields:

Railway technology (worldwide)
Plant technology (Europe)
Superstructures for road trucks (domestic)

Our performances are generated mostly by ourselves with our own distribution structures, engineering, production and after sales service.

We work in most modern development surroundings and with the latest manufacturing facilities. Innovative products are created by using new technologies. Our production machines are under full capacity thanks to subcontracting for third parties.

Our commitment for the job qualification of our staff begins with the professional education. We employ approx. 100 people, whereof 15 apprentices.

Nencki Ltd. is certified according to ISO 9001 quality standards, is member of Swissrail Industry Association as well as SVUT Swiss Association for Environmental Technology.

