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Microstar Laboratories
Microstar Laboratories Microstar Laboratories

美国Microstar Laboratories, Inc., 
数据采集处理器(DAP)板和系统(用于数据采集和控制)的制造商Microstar Laboratories公司,今天宣布推出一款新的DAP 5380a/526的中型DAP板,内含英特尔奔腾233MHz处理器,带有16个模拟输入,能够以每通道每秒800k的速度采集14位数据,并可以多板结合使用。 
Microstar Laboratories, located in Bellevue since 1990, has shipped its products worldwide from the Seattle area since 1982. 

Microstar Laboratories, Inc. claims these words as trademarks: Microstar Laboratories, iDSC, iDSC 816, DSCview, Data Acquisition Processor, DAP, and DAPcell.

DATALOG GmbH claims DASYLab as a trademark. National Instruments Corporation has registered LabVIEW as a trademark. Hewlett-Packard Company claims HP VEE as a trademark. Microsoft Corporation has registered Windows 95 as a trademark.

Microstar Laboratories makes it a practice to use an appropriate symbol at the first occurrence of a trademark or registered trademark name in a document, or to include trademark statements like these with the document. 

