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Kestrel Kestrel

Kestrel Realtime  

美国Kestrel位于美国加州,有实验室2000多平方米,主要涉及分子生物学产品,PCR试剂及相关产品的研发和生产,目前PCR产品分为研发专用及临床诊断两大类, 研发用PCR试剂包含185种,临床诊断类有120种产品,部分产品正在申请欧盟及美国FDA认证。Kestrel在马来西亚设有工厂及实验室,同时在菲律宾,泰国有研发实验室,主要研发方向为热带疾病方面诊断试剂.

美国Vivantis技术公司成立于2002年,是以集研发,生产和销售为一体的生物技术公司,公司旨在为生命科学领域提供全系列的整合方案,公司产品分为12个系列,包括:限制酶系列;Taq酶系列;核苷酸&核酸;DNA Ladders/Markers;核酸提取试剂盒;修饰酶系列;单克隆抗体;生化试剂;成品缓冲液;微生物培养基;实验室耗材;引物合成等。主要客户类型包括:医药和生物技术公司、医院和临床诊断实验室、大学、科研院所和政府机构。


Real time PCR has become a trend in the recent molecular diagnostic approaches for the detection of infectious diseases due to its sensitivity, specificity and speed.

Kestrel-RealTime is a collaborative effort between Kestrel Bioscience Inc. and Reszon Diagnostics International, specializing in the development of a range of diagnostic real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) products. With our extensive R&D department in Kestrel Bioscience Inc. the quality of our diagnostic tests are guaranteed. In addition to that, all our products are now manufactured under ISO13485:2003 compliant facilities. This translates to fast, sensitive and accurate diagnostics that you can rely on.

At Kestrel-RealTime, we are aiming to be the one-stop centre for real time PCR application. There-fore it is a small wonder that our infectious disease detection products encompass not only the medical industry but the veterinary and agricultural industries as well. Also on the shelves are qPCR bio-contaminants monitoring kits for food, water and environmental analysis and other real time PCR rea-gents, consumables and even instruments.
