
热门词: 日本凯特HG-770快速水分测定仪日本凯特KH-50纸张水分测定仪德国普兰德塑料刻度移液管BR27614

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IonSense IonSense

DART®技术(Direct Analysis in Real Time,实时直接分析技术)


IonSense, Inc. is a Massachusetts-based company providing open-air mass spectrometry solutions to the fields of food safety, forensics, drug development, and chemical analysis. They manufacture and develop direct analysis in real time (DART®) technology licensed from JEOL USA, Inc. and atmospheric solids analysis probe (ASAPTM) licensed from M&M Consulting.
The company endeavors to work with potential DART and ASAP users to provide customized interfaces for use with their existing LC/MS instruments. We invite you to inquire about the potential for using DART or ASAP to investigate your applications.
