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Copower Copower

台湾宏益科技Copower是纺织印染实验室自动化设备专业制造商,经过20年的发展,已成为全球最大的实验室染液自动滴定系统制造商,CADS MG 系列高精密度无管路染液滴定系统以其出色的精确性、高效率的产出、可靠的稳定性,市场占有率第一。


 Copower Technology Co., Ltd founded in 1990 at Taipei to manufacture laboratory automatic equipment for the color relative industries, is now a leading company in Taiwan. Our products manufactured laboratory automatic equipment including dispenser and solution maker for more than 15 years, and with about 20 years experience in this field.We create a garden for automotive services. Creativity, Honest and Service is our basic principle, Our equipment will help you increasing the working efficiency and performance as well.
Main Products/Service:Copower Automatic Dispensing System, Copower Auto-Mate System, SandoLab Supermat Laboratory Dyer, Copower Mutil-Light, Automatic Color paste Mixer
