
热门词: 日本凯特HG-770快速水分测定仪日本凯特KH-50纸张水分测定仪德国普兰德塑料刻度移液管BR27614

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HeartWare HeartWare


HeartWare International develops and manufactures miniaturized implantable heart pumps, or ventricular assist devices, to treat Class IIIB / IV patients suffering from advanced heart failure. The HeartWare® Ventricular Assist System features the HVAD® pump, a small full-support circulatory assist device designed to be implanted next to the heart, avoiding the abdominal surgery generally required to implant competing devices. The HeartWare System is approved in the United States for the intended use as a bridge to cardiac transplantation in patients who are at risk of death from refractory end-stage left ventricular heart failure, has received CE Marking in the European Union and has been used to treat patients in 37 countries. The device is also currently the subject of a U.S. clinical trial for destination therapy.
