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GN ReSound
GN ReSound GN ReSound

丹麦瑞声达听力集团 GN ReSound     
★丹麦达那福(Danavox) ★ 荷兰飞利浦(Phillips)★美国理声(Resound) ★ 美国贝尔通(Beltone)★奥地利维纳通(Viennatone) ★ 丹麦麦德森Madsen★德国霍特曼Hortmann

A major segment of the GN ReSound Group's worldwide market share comes from its North American operation including; the United States and Canada.

GN ReSound North American headquarters is located in Bloomington, Minnesota.

GN ReSound houses over 500 employees in the Bloomington facility and is home to the company's Senior Management, Customer Care, Technical Support, Inside Sales, Marketing, Finance, Information Technology and Human Resources groups.

A state-of-the-art manufacturing facility produces thousands of new custom in-the-ear (ITE) products each month, in addition to servicing both ITE and behind-the-ear (BTE) products.

