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美国环境系统研究所公司(Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. 简称ESRI公司) 
美国环境系统研究所公司(Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. 简称ESRI公司)成立于1969年,总部设在美国加州RedLands市,是世界最大的地理信息系统(GIS)技术提供商。
When we began this company back in 1969, we felt an almost limitless enthusiasm for the possibilities of geographic information systems (GIS). We understood even then that this new geographic information system technology could bring about a better future.

Our confidence in GIS is built on the belief that geography matters. It fundamentally influences and connects our many cultures and societies. As you explore our Web site, you will find abundant evidence that GIS technology is improving our quality of life by supporting more analytical decision making.

ESRI GIS and Mapping Software [PDF]
ESRI: Creating GIS for a Better World
—View video
Our technology helps fight forest fires, determine new national boundaries during peace negotiations, find promising sites for new facilities, support optimal land-use planning, route emergency vehicles, monitor climate change, contain oil spills, and perform countless other vital tasks.

GIS technology must constantly evolve to meet the changing needs of business, industry, government, and education. We are ready for these changes. Today, ESRI has thousands of skilled employees who work closely with hundreds of business partners and international distributors and tens of thousands of users. Each one makes a unique contribution to this remarkable technology. Each one makes a difference.

