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Cell Technology
Cell Technology Cell Technology

美国Cell Technology 
美国Cell Technology(细胞工程)公司成立于1996年,提供一系列物美价廉的Caspase、NOS、ROS、线粒体膜点位试剂盒和辅助试剂。
美国Cell Technology
Cell Technology was founded in 1996 to provide research solutions for the academic, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Our focus is to develop unique assays that allow researchers to study cellular functions using cell permeable reagents. This process allows in situ detection of cell or tissue specific events while maintaining morphology and architecture.
Our first release was a line of products that detect apoptotic cells through the measurement of active caspases and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. We have expanded our catalog with highly-specific caspase detection products, as well as products for the detection of cathepsin and ELISA products. We continue to expand our product line with the commitment of developing unique, high technology reagents.
