
热门词: 日本凯特HG-770快速水分测定仪日本凯特KH-50纸张水分测定仪德国普兰德塑料刻度移液管BR27614

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Adesis Adesis

美国Adesis, Inc.  
Adesis, Inc. is a contract research organization (CRO) supporting the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry is rapidly adopting the philosophy of outsourcing reference standards (competitor's drugs), targets, scaffolds, building blocks and advanced intermediates. Outsourcing allows medicinal chemists to focus on design and assembly of new targets for pharmacological evaluation and streamlines the early stage drug discovery process.

The core foundation of Adesis, Inc. is attributed to our experienced chemists with the expertise to conduct complex multi-step synthetic sequences (typical range of 2 - 20 steps).
