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上海同田 上海同田

上海同田生物技术有限公司位于上海张江科技园,占地约 30 亩,建筑面积约 20000 平方米,总投资人民币 6000 万元,其前身是成立于 1999 年 2 月位于深圳市清华大学研究院的深圳市同田生化技术有限公司。作为国内中药对照品行业的领导者,同田拥有长达10年的对照品研发及标准制定, 目前已有近 600种对照品对外销售,同时可根据用户需求开发新的天然产物有效成分单体,并已在十一个国家设立代理商,质量得到国际认可。同田拥有全球独有的高速逆流色谱对照品研发及生产中心,保证对照品的质量可控性及批量生产的稳定性 ;设有严格的质量控制,通过全面的检测( 1 HNMR 13 CNMR MS HPLC ),部分对照品已获得 国家质量监督检验检疫总局颁发的标准物质证书。 以推动中药现代化为己任,同田将组建国内乃至国际上最大的天然药物有效成分单体资源库,并着手筹建国家中草药标准物质重点实验室;我们期望广泛地与国内外同行合作,用现代先进技术发扬传统中药,促进中医药尽快走向世界,为人类健康事业作出贡献。
Tauto Biotech, one of the leading manufacturers of Phytochemicals and Botanical/Herbal reference materials (more than 500 kinds in about 50 series)in China,has been devoting efforts on the research, manufacture and analysis of reference materials for 10 years. There are separated R&D center, manufacture center and analysis center in our company which occupy 20000 square meters in Shanghai. The products that we provide are in high purities and high qualities. Such products have great potential using in the HTS(High-throughput screening ), building block, biotechnological researches, standardization analysis, pharmaceutical screening, chemical database, and pharmacological experiments.
In the past several years, our products were provided to many famous chemical/pharmaceutical companies and institutes all around the world.We currently have our professional distributors in eleven countries. And our business customers are also located in the France, Germany, USA, UK, Denmark, Japan, Korea, and etc.
