
热门词: 日本凯特HG-770快速水分测定仪日本凯特KH-50纸张水分测定仪德国普兰德塑料刻度移液管BR27614

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UPA Technology
UPA Technology UPA Technology

美国UPA Technology 
UPA Technology, Inc...
Manufactures instruments and thickness standards for the measurement of platings and coatings.

Features a worldwide network of representatives and distributors for instrument sales and product support.

Offers the sale and rental of all brands of used and reconditioned instruments. Used instruments come thoroughly tested, certified, and with warranties. Savings of 50% or more compared to the price of new products.

Provides equipment recertifications for ALL brands at your facility for added convenience.

Provides measuring instruments, thickness standards and service for the worlds top manufactures including Toyota, Fujitsu, IBM, Aerojet, Delphi, Boeing, GE Jet Engine, GE Nuclear, GM, Nissan, and many others.

ISO/IEC 17025 (#1588.01) accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) for calibrations of instruments and thickness standards. The first in the industry to attain this achievement!
