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十多年来,SYSBEL 公司致力于研发和生产世界领先水平的危险原材料防火安全设备、环境保护设备、 危险品泄露处理设备、以及专业储存设备产品。 SYSBEL产品从最初的设计生产就符合OSHA 29 CER 1910.106 (美国职业安全健康管理局)及NFPA CODE30 (美国国家消防协会)等规范,SYSBEL依靠不断创新方案,继续在业内保持领先地位 在保护工人安全,降低火灾风险,提高生产效率为企业作出贡献。 SYSBEL各项产品均以卓越的质量通过专业认证测试。 SYSBEL 安全柜在世界各地有经销商,方便用户购买和使用。

当今商业和工业面对越来越多的危险品安全处理,储存及运输等问题的挑战, SYSBEL全面的产品线为您提供全方位高品质解决方案,保证工人安全和企业财产安全。
For over a decade, SYSBEL Corporation has dedicated itself to being the world leader in fire prevention safety equipment for hazardous materials, environmental protection spill containment devices, and specialized storage products. SYSBEL initially began by designing and manufacturing products to meet specific government regulations for the handling of hazardous materials. SYSBEL continues to lead the industry with innovative solutions to help protect workers, reduce fire risks, and improve productivity. Faithfully tested for unsurpassed quality and compliance to applicable codes and regulations, SYSBEL safety cabinets and other products are available through authorized distributors worldwide.


As businesses and industry face the increasing challenge of safely handling, storing, and transporting hazardous materials. SYSBEL's comprehensive line of products provide high value solutions that ensure both worker safety, and help to protect a company's bottom line.
