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德国SVS-VISTEK公司在2008年1月推出超紧凑两百万像素工业相机——SVCam-SVS274。这款数字化机器视觉应用的工业相机的分辨率为1620 x 1220,在极佳的信噪比和较小的外形尺寸的同时,可达到高帧速率。采用相关双采样,即CDS技术——一种降噪方式,对模拟CCD信号进行处理,再配以数字信号转换技术,从而保证了极佳的信噪比。内部的微控制器支持使用不同的方式调整曝光时间和触发模式,具体包括:


● 外部事件与图像捕捉同步(触发模式)

● “自由运行”模式,可达到最大帧速率

● 通过串口或自由触发脉宽控制曝光时间

● 在光线不足的情况下,可将曝光时间延长至10秒

SVS-VISTEK GmbH is an innovative company working on the whole field of professional machine vision. Under the roof of SVS-VISTEK, competence in distribution and development is combined since 1989; Dipl.-Ing. Ulf Weißer and Dipl.-Phys. Walter Denk are leading their company together since 1998.

"We develop and manufacture SVCam products, our own digital camera line for industrial needs, including customized solutions for very special applications. Our sales staff together with the application engineers satisfy the customers needs for professional advice to find a particular imaging solution. The portfolio of our product range covers the whole field of machine vision, starting with illumination, followed by lenses, cameras, frame grabber, imaging libraries and computer hardware. Our competence in software development has already helped numerous clients in need of applications which could not be bought off-the-shelf. Leading companies in Germany and abroad favor our knowledge and competence to ensure the competitive edge in their working field."

SVS-VISTEK GmbH is official distributor of the imaging products of Euresys (Belgium) and Coreco Imaging (Canada), as well as Sentech cameras, Nerlite LED lighting and lenses and accessories of different manufacturers. Since 2003 SVS-VISTEK is also distributor for the imaging products of PerkinElmer. SVS-VISTEK CAMERAS Inc. is responsible for selling our SVCam product line the North American market.

SVS-VISTEK customers profit from the combination of distribution and development under the same roof. Clients are covering all fields of industry, science and medical imaging, but also of multimedia and video surveillance.

