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Scipac Scipac

SCIPAC公司由著名科学家Clive Dawes 和 Tony Raeside博士在1985年于英国成立,长期的前沿科学研究和商业经验的结合使得SCIPAC能够提供最完善和符合需要的科研产品。 经过多年发展,SCIPAC产品包括各种抗原,抗体,血清/浆制品,磁分离产品和细胞培养试剂等,其中以众多的纯化抗原和疾病状态血清为最具特色产品。公司执行符合BS EN ISO 9001:2000标准的质量控制系统,自1993年以来一直是英国标准学会(British Standard Institute)的成员。

human proteins, cell culture proteins, Hba1c Products
normal human serum, normal human plasma, human defibrinated plasma
depleted serum, depleted plasma
disease state plasma, patient samples
Scipac Ltd was founded by Dr Clive Dawes and Tony Raeside, who first studied chemistry together in the early seventies. They associated their technical and financial experience and began trading in 1985, offering a complete SCIentific PACkage to the Diagnostics Industry. Sadly, Scipac lost one of his founders, Tony Raeside, in 2001. We have all been inspired by Tony and we will continue to operate in a way that will honour his memory. Clive has now retired from active day to day involvement.Through the years Scipac has developed a comprehensive product range of purified Human antigens, matching antibodies, serum/plasma products, disease state plasmas and patient samples. Scipac is also a major producer of transferrin for cell culture use.
Scipac employs 50 people in its own laboratory premises. The Company operates a quality management system which complies with the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2000 and has been registered with the British Standard Institute (BSI) since January 1993. Now progressively upgrading standards even further with ISO13485 accreditation already in place for two labs and more to come.

Today, the business is growing faster than ever, approx. 350 products are available and the bulk of our sales are made of products manufactured on our premises. Export represents 90% of our business, including 50% to the USA.
